Image by Neokrisys via Flickr
This is a follow up article for my original post Bad Karma
After a recent mishap on my PC I decided to update to the 64 bit version of Ubuntu even though I had planned on waiting for 10.04 Lucid Lynx LTS (long term service).
Now after running on the 64 bit version for a few weeks my wireless card had started acting funny. That's funny as in strange, not funny as in ha ha. Every time I powered on my computer and the wireless card was on I would not get any available Access Points, but when I turned the power off to the card I would get a list of A.P.'s but no way to connect to them. My temporary solution was to boot up the PC with the card turned off and then power it on after logging into Ubuntu. What a pain!!!
Next solution. In the windows world if something isn't working you just uninstall it and re-install it so that's what I tried. OH NO!!! When I tried to re-install the drivers I ran into problems that I didn't have the first time.
Problem 1. Ubuntu couldn't fetch the CD-ROM
Solution 1. insert the CD-ROM (DVD), go to the terminal and use sudo apt-cdrom add
Problem 2. everything that I had loaded from my previous article was already loaded and when I tried to enable the driver it failed
Solution 2. after making the Disc installable you want to use synaptic to search for and install bcmwl-kernel-source and then reboot.
Now i'm back in business and looking forward to many more happy days on Ubuntu.