So the deployment in this case was a false PDF file. You know... random person you never talk to sends you an e-mail saying "here is the PDF we talked about" and when you hover over the supposed PDF it is actually a file with a different extension.
So despite the warning from our IT guys, two of my co-workers felt compelled to open the file anyway.
I Swear to God Almighty that if there was a box with a button that read "DANGER Do Not Press The Red Button" and it was hooked up to a bomb, they would probably press it just to see what would happen.
What more proof do we need that survival of the fittest is a myth and that the human race would never have survived if it were true?
So we had an idea... bad news, I know. What if we made a box with a red button that read "Do Not Press" with a counter inside. I wonder how many clicks we would get each day?
In the spirit of the red button project, please enjoy the virtual red button below.