September 04, 2009

WINE, It’s Not Just For Boozers Anymore

It’s been a while since I posted and I’ve got so much information to put out there for our new Linux users.

By now you’ve probably had a chance to peruse the package repositories and maybe even tried out a few new programs. Now you might ask, “why isn’t such and such program listed” or “I really liked this one program” or “I want to run my favorite game”.

What’s the answer? WINE. No, I don’t mean get sloshed and forget the whole ordeal, but rather the program WINE which stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator. I know, it makes no sense to me either.

WINE is a program that runs windows programs at the application layer without the need of a Microsoft Windows operating system physical or virtual machine.

If you read my last post for Back to School you’ll see two real world examples.

Once you install the WINE program from the repositories installing Windows programs is a breeze. To be more accurate though, it’s a straight forward process and it either works or does not.

  1. download program or browse to installation file on CD
  2. right click on installation file and choose open with WINE
  3. do exactly what you would when in windows
  4. after installation right click on the start icon and in it’s properties click on the run as a program option

And that’s all folks. No more whining when you should be WINEing.

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Hex Converter

Hex To ASCII Converter



Integer to Byte converter

This is a tool to practice converting between decimal and binary representations. After you have practiced for a while and feel that you know how to do the conversions, take the quiz.
Decimal number to convert:
Binary representation:

Binary number to convert:
Decimal representation: